I've had many blog post ideas about Christmas, family, giving thanks, change and friends so I'll do my best to sum my emotions into this one short and sweet post.
2012 was a big year for me and involved a lot of change and facing this weird part of life called growing up. I closed so many chapters: graduated college, moved out of state and walked away from someone I loved but couldn't marry. Only to begin new ones: started a new job, learned a few skills and began finding my purpose. When I reflect on times when I felt low or things were stressing me out, in any age of my life, they almost all point to change. In Oklahoma we have a required Success in College course but what's not offered is a class about what's next and how to cope with transitioning from a 16+ year career as a student to life after graduation.
My 2012 journey has definitely not been the smoothest sailing nor with the best views but it was my year. Through all the craziness I've learned a great deal about myself and why I feel the way I do about some things. I'm more certain in myself than I ever have been.
2013 will be an epic one because I choose for it to be. I have many grand ideas I'm looking into. With hard work, luck and the most wonderful college mentor a person could ever ask for (Scott Monetti), I might even open NKYO, Nana Korobi Ya Okie (If you fall down seven times, get up eight.) an after-school program to empower middle school women through self-defense and service learning.
So hasta la vista 2012 and pura vida 2013!
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