Sunday, January 5, 2014

Long time, no write

Wow, it’s been quite a bit since my last post and there are dozens of things to share from life updates to first year teaching to the holidays to returning for my second trimester teaching.

Here are a few of my highlights:
  1. Breakdown in Week 8 – later found out this is called the disillusionment stage in teaching
  2. My classes led an Action Plan presentation – this went extremely well and I was floored with pride
  3. Thanksgiving – never the same without my traditional family but family is what you make of it and my Eagle Rock family is amazing
  4. BREAKING NEWS – my sister-in-law and brother told me they were having a second child, kind of the greatest news ever
  5. ER 61 Graduates – said goodbye to four amazing grads and also present my first Presidential Volunteer Service Awards to three students
  6. LFJ and Credit – the paperwork doesn’t end when the students turn it in, in fact we have to look over it and then award credit…lesson learned, powerhouse it as soon as you begin to receive work
  7. (Semi) Surprise Visit – an old friend drove from WA and stopped in CO to hang out with me for a few hours before continuing his drive to OK
  8. Ready, Set, Break – first break from school and it was amazing. I spent a great deal of time with family and a few close friends. I saw movies, led a Master Chef Jr: Auntie Jenn Edition, indoor cart raced (and won), ice skated, went to a casino, finally saw the state aquarium in Jenks, ate cookie dough, clubbed, passed three students to the last belt rank before black, laughed and loved
  9. Text-2-Email – my best friend and another close friend finally figured out how to “text” with me, despite me having no reception on this mountain of a home. FYI, text like normal but enter my email instead
  10. Back to the Grind – returned from an amazing vacation home and begin truly working and planning tomorrow 

What are your top 10 things over the past few months?

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