Sunday, May 11, 2014

5 Truths people who LOVE traveling won't tell you.

(I wrote this quite a while be ready for an onslaught of posts this summer.)

5 Truths people who LOVE traveling won't tell you.

1. "I wish I was home."
Every traveler I've met has had their ups and downs, which occasionally include thoughts of home. While most of the nation wishes to travel to an exotic place while down, travelers wish to be near friends or family. They fantasize this world of traveling that wherever he or she is at, they can just take a quick drive to a close friend's house or their parents for a family event. Not to say they don't love traveling, they do. In fact they very well might become miserable if they stop being them and do decide to go home and stop traveling.

2. Half of their stories
This is usually for one or both of the following: a) Who wants to genuinely listen to hours and hours of stories, let alone ones that make them wish they could travel more? b) Sometimes the stories are creepy, scary or risky/dangerous. This second category may not be told so the listener does not worry more than they undoubtedly do, or to not deter others from trying new experiences.

3. Loving is easy to come by.
If said, this would make the traveler sound arrogant or a whore. I've met both, but overall I would say love is a common bond among those who travel. They are lovers of new experiences, environments, cultures and people. Because of this, they tend to attract those who seek independent and passionate people...aka, travelers.

4. Travelers break hearts.
Friends and family endure the lack of consistent communication and unknown visits with each goodbye. Lovers, above mentioned, fall and fall fast whilst the traveler is merely passing by with no intention of actually staying. It is a fling, a fun moment or two and a friendship sometimes intense, but nothing more.

5. It can be a very lonely experience. 
Though you meet hundreds if not thousands of really amazing people, connections tend to fade to Facebook. Even those you were once best friends with back home will, over time, fade away and move on without you. Do you remember in high school how you knew so many people, had a clique and after graduation everyone went different directions? Traveling, and moving, is like that each and every time.

So what are things people in your field or hobby that people don't tell others?

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